2024/2025 SLMHA Registration
Opens June 14th, 2024
Before you Register...
- Respect in Sport Parent Certificate (RIS) - please confirm your RIS Parent Certificate has not expired.
- Hockey Canada ID (HCR#) - Please have Hockey Canada ID ready for registration.
- New to Sylvan Lake Minor Hockey? If you have a New Hockey Player, Moved to Sylvan Lake, or are Transferring from Rec League. Click here to get started!
Issues Registering...
If you are having issues registering, here are few things to check:
- New to SLMHA - Players who registered with another Minor Hockey Association last year and have recently moved to Sylvan Lake must submit a Parent Declaration Form to be transferred to SLMHA. Once we receive your form, it will be submitted to the Hockey Canada Registry to be reviewed and approved by Hockey Alberta. After it has been approved, you will be able to register with SLMHA. Transfers take appx. 7-10 business days to be approved by Hockey Alberta.
- Transfer from Sylvan Lake Rec Hockey to SLMHA - Please submit a Parent Declaration Form online with Proof of Residency. Transfers take appx. 7-10 business days to be approved by Hockey Alberta. Your Player will not be able to register until transfer is complete.
- Respect in Sport Parent Certificate (RIS) - confirm your RIS Parent Certificate has not expired.
- Error Message - "Hockey Canada ID not valid" - Default message for those who perhaps played hockey with a different association prior to registering with SLMHA. Please see above for "New to SLMHA"
- Non-Resident HADP & AA Tryouts - do not require a Parent Declaration form. Please use non-resident link to register.
Important Dates...
EARLY BIRD RATES END: August 1st, 2024 (*There are NO Early Bird Rates for West Central Tigers or Learn to Play & U7)
After August 1st, 2024:
- U11 & Up - $200.00 increase will be applied
- U9 - $100.00 increase will be applied
- WC AA Tigers - $50.00 increase will be applied
REGISTRATION DEADLINE: August 18th, 2024 or until at full capacity. There will potentially be registration capacities within SLMHA for 2024-2025. If division reaches capacity, we will start a waitlist; players will be added in the order of which they are received.
REFUNDS: Please review our SLMHA Handbook for full refund policy. Players released from AA Tryouts and who are registered for A/B Tryouts, participant fees will be adjusted accordingly after all teams are made. Tryout fees are non-refundable.
Registration Links
Sylvan Lake Residents:
This registration is for Residents of Sylvan Lake who are interested in:
- All Divisions (Learn to Play up to U18)
- U11 AA Lakers
- West Central AA Tigers
*Tryout fees need to be added at time of registration, or $25 admin fee will apply.
***AA Tigers Tryouts will require AA Tigers Participant Fee paid at time of registration, along with tryout fees.
This registration is for Non-Residents of Sylvan Lake who are interested in:
- U11 AA SL Lakers
- U13, U15, U16, U18 - AA West Central Tigers
To REGISTER for U7, please email:
Learn to Play & U9 are currently waitlisting, please see info below.
Waitlist Information:
With the growth of our population in Sylvan Lake, SLMHA has placed capacities on most age divisions.
- If the tryout level in your division is full - register in an available tryout level within the age division and email admin to change tryout to required level.
- If the division is FULL - add your player to our waitlist using the link below.
- For AA Tigers Tryouts - If division is full and your player would like to tryout for AA Tigers, please email admin. There is NO capacity on AA tryouts.
- Players on A/B or BASE Lakers waitlist that would like to register for AA Tigers tryouts, unfortunately we still cannot guarantee availability A/B or BASE Lakers at this point.
- If we are not able to accept your player off the waitlist, a Player Movement Form must be signed and approved by SLMHA to play elsewhere
Being on our waitlist does not mean that a player will not be able to play in SLMHA this season, we are merely being conservative until we receive our ice allocations from the Town of Sylvan Lake. Once we have confirmed our allocations, we hope to begin clearing our waitlists in the order of which they were received, just as we have in previous seasons.
If for any reason we are not able to accommodate all players on our waitlist, we will do our best to assist in finding the player an association to play with this season.
To place a player on the SLMHA Lakers Waitlist, please click link below.

Learn to Play Program
- 4 to 8 Years Old
- Players born in 2016 to 2020
- Never played the game? This is the place to start!
- Learn the game of hockey in station based environment
- Play games against fellow LTP Lakers
U7 Lakers
- 5 & 6 Year Olds
- Player born in 2018 & 2019
- Have Fun, Learn new Skills, Make Friends while continuing to develop!
- Play games against neighboring communities
U9 Lakers
- 7 & 8 Year Olds
- Players born in 2016 & 2017
- Continue to Develop & Learn New Skills!
- Register after Aug. 1st Early Bird - $950
- Play games in the Central Alberta Hockey League
U11 Lakers - BASE
- 9 & 10 Year Olds
- Players born in 2014 & 2015
- Register after Aug. 1st Early Bird - $1050
- Players placed on even-skill based teams
- Play in Central Alberta Hockey League
U11 Lakers - UPPER
- 9 & 10 Year Olds
- Players born in 2014 & 2015
- + $150 Tryout Fee for A/B Teams due at registration
- Register after Aug. 1st Early Bird - $1165
- Play in Central Alberta Hockey League
U11 AA Lakers - Residents
- 9 & 10 Year Olds
- Players born in 2014 & 2015
- Top-Tier level hockey
- + $150 Tryout Fee due at Registration
- Register after Aug. 1st Early Bird - $1315
- Registration for Sylvan Lake Residents
U11 AA Lakers - Non Residents
- 9 & 10 Year Olds
- Players born in 2014 & 2015
- Top-Tier level hockey
- + $150 Tryout Fee due at Registration
- Register after Aug. 1st Early Bird - $1315
- *** U11 AA Notification of Tryout From Required
- Registration for Non-Sylvan Lake Residents
- 11 & 12 Year Olds
- Players born in 2012 & 2013
- Register after Aug. 1st Early Bird - $1110
- Players placed on even-skill based teams
- Play in Central Alberta Hockey League
- 11 & 12 Year Olds
- Players born in 2012 & 2013
- + $150 Tryout Fee for Tier 1-4 Teams due at registration
- Register after Aug. 1st Early Bird - $1300
- *U13 Tier 1 - If top tier U13 team goes into Tier 1, $100 fee will be applied.
- Play in Central Alberta Hockey League
U15 Lakers
- 13 & 14 Year Olds
- Players born in 2010 & 2011
- + $150 Tryout Fee for A/B teams due at Registration
- Register after Aug. 1st Early Bird - $1500
- Play in Central Alberta Hockey League
- U15 will be "Tryout to Play". Players will be able to tryout for U15 teams. Those who are released from tryouts, SLMHA will assist in finding another association to play with.
U18 Lakers
- 15, 16 & 17 Year Olds
- Players born in 2007, 2008, 2009
- + $150 Tryout Fee for A/B teams due at Registration
- Register after Aug. 1st Early Bird - $1550
- Play in Central Alberta Hockey League
- U18 will be "Tryout to Play". Players will be able to tryout for U18 teams. Those who are released from tryouts, SLMHA will assist in finding another association to play with.

U13 AA Tigers
- 11 & 12 Year Olds
- Players born in 2012 & 2013
- + $200 AA Tryout Fee due at Registration
- *NEW SL Residents - Additional $150 tryout fee required for A/B teams
- $50 Late Fee after Aug. 1st
- Sylvan Lake Residents use "Sylvan Lake Residents Registration" Link
- Non-Residents use "West Central AA Tigers Non-Resident Registration" Link
- Play in South Central Alberta Hockey League
U15 AA Tigers
- 13 & 14 Year Olds
- Players born in 2010 & 2011
- + $200 AA Tryout Fee due at Registration
- *NEW SL Residents - Additional $150 tryout fee required for A/B teams
- $50 Late Fee after Aug. 1st
- Sylvan Lake Residents use "Sylvan Lake Residents Registration" Link
- Non-Residents use "West Central AA Tigers Non-Residents Registration" Link
- Play in South Central Alberta Hockey League
- * Players registering for AAA Tryouts in Red Deer and also trying out for AA Tigers, please contact SLMHA Admin before registering.
U16 AA Tigers
- 15 Year Olds
- Players born in 2009
- + $200 AA Tryout Fee due at Registration
- *NEW SL Residents - Additional $150 tryout fee required for A/B teams
- $50 Late Fee after Aug. 1st
- Sylvan Lake Residents use "Sylvan Lake Residents Registration" Link
- Non-Residents use "West Central AA Tigers Non- Residents Registration" Link
- Play in South Central Alberta Hockey League
- * Players registering for AAA Tryouts in Red Deer and also trying out for AA Tigers, please contact SLMHA Admin before registering.
U18 AA Tigers
- 15, 16, 17 Year Olds
- Players born in 2007, 2008, 2009
- + $200 AA Tryout Fee due at Registration
- *NEW SL Residents - Additional $150 tryout fee required for A/B teams
- $50 Late Fee after Aug. 1st
- Sylvan Lake Residents use "Sylvan Lake Residents Registration" Link
- Non-Residents use "West Central AA Tigers Non-Residents Registration" Link
- Play in South Central Alberta Hockey League
- * Players registering for AAA Tryouts in Red Deer and also trying out for AA Tigers, please contact SLMHA Admin before registering.

Wildcats Female Hockey (U11 & U13)
- U11 Players born in 2014 & 2015
- U13 Players born in 2012 & 2013
- The U11 & U13 Female Hockey teams are hosted by Blindman Valley Minor Hockey. Skate in Bentley.
- Wildcats play in the Rocky Mountain Female Hockey League. Players from Central Alberta are welcome to join.
- Sylvan Lake players registering for Wildcats will need to provide BVMHA with a Player Movement Form.
Wildcats Female Hockey (U15 & U18)
- U15 Players born 2010 & 2011
- U18 Players born in 2007, 2008, 2009
- The U15 & U18 Female Hockey teams are hosted by Blindman Valley Minor Hockey. Skate in Eckville.
- Wildcats play in the Rocky Mountain Female Hockey League. Players from Central Alberta are welcome to join.
- Sylvan Lake players registering for Wildcats will need to provide BVMHA with a Player Movement Form.

AAA Red Deer Chiefs & AA Female Hockey
- AAA Red Deer Chiefs & AA Female hockey register with Red Deer Minor Hockey. Please contact Red Deer Minor Hockey to register. SLMHA Players Registering for AA & AAA Tryouts in Red Deer and wanting to Register for AA Tigers tryouts, please contact SLMHA Admin by email: general@slmha.hockey