Contact Us

Sylvan Lake Minor Hockey
Mailing Address:
PO Box 9089
Sylvan Lake, Alberta
T4S 1S6
Office Location:
Nexsource Centre, 2nd Floor
Sylvan Lake, Alberta
T4S 1M6
Office Hours:
SLMHA Office is not staffed. For drop-offs at the office please email us to make arrangements.
403-887-2159 to leave a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Email: For general inquires, (not tournament info) please email:
*Please do not email regarding tournaments. For tournament inquires, please see below.
SLMHA will NOT be hosting tournaments for U11, U13, U15 or U18 for the 2024-2025 season.
For info on U7 Festival & U9 Tournament please only email:
*Please do NOT email for tournament info. Note there is no "s" in email address.
Issues Registering:
- If you are having issues with Registration, please refer to the top of our Registration Page for helpful tips.
- Parent Declarations - will be submitted to Hockey Canada by Admin and approved by Hockey Alberta. Once approved Admin will contact you.
Executive & Division Board of Directors
President - Dallas Hand
Senior Vice President -Dan Gibson
Past President - Kayne Warwick
VP of Finance -Chantel Buchanan
VP of Development - Brandon Sutter
VP of Intro to Hockey - Stacey Rosentreter
VP of Minor Hockey - Brandon Knelson
Learn to Play Director -Lisa Martin
U7 Director - Kristin Soppit
U9 Director - Brandon Parsons
U11 Director - Mike Chambers
U13 Director - Melanie Campbell
U15 Director - Darin Kuntz
U18 Director - Simon Pollock
Female Director - Krysta Rush
Communications Director - TBA
Referee In Chief - Thomas Boulton
Equipment Manager - Norris Longman
Tournament & Sponsorship Coordinator - Raelene Laiss
Fundraising Coordinator - TBA
CAHL Director - Bryna Boisvert
CAHL Governor - Tricia Prah
CAHL Governor - Elisha Robin
CAHL Governor - Cali Gray
Office Administrator - Naomi Spendiff
Tournament Inquiries:
For tournament information, please only contact the Director of the Division you wish to participate in, as well as our Tournament Coordinator
2024-2025 - SLMHA will NOT be hosting tournaments for U11, U13, U15, or U18. We will be hosting a U7 Festival and U9 Tournament only.
*There is no "s" in the tournament email address.
Sponsorship Opportunities:
For sponsorship opportunities:
- Jersey Sponsor
- Equipment Sponsor
- Team Sponsors
- Shirley Pickering Memorial Fund Donation
- Gear Donations
- Tournament Swag Donations
Please contact Raelene Laiss, Tournament & Sponsorship Coordinator